1 Pest Control 有害生物管控
1.1 Generalthoughts 概述
The importance of biosecurity in pig production is often not sufficiently appreciated
Adequate control of rodents, birds, insects and weeds isnecessary to prevent entry of diseases to the farm.
Make a plan tocontrol pests present on the farm.
Keep record ofexisting pests and products used for control.
Use traps tocontrol rodents.
Traps should be placed at strategic locations that arenot hazardous to children, staff and animals.
Have a sketch ofthe location of the traps and bait-stations.
Place meshesto prevent the entry of birds into production areas.
Specificinsecticides must be used for the control of flies.
Keep the farmfree of garbage, waste and dirt.
1.2 RodentControl 嚙齒類動物防控
Rats and house mice occur worldwide as pests around people. They exist at our cellars, in the sewers, on dumpsters,in parks, in warehousesandfirstofallonfarms.Ratscancausenotonlysignificantdamage to supplies and to materials, but they also carry and spread deadly diseases for people and farm animals. Thefight against the rodents isoften underestimated. They are besidesother vectors responsible for serious outbreaks in the past like FMD (= Food and MouthDisease) and CSF (=Classical Swine Fever)in Europe. The rodentsmust also be seen as a big thread for spreadingASF in Europe and especially in China at themoment.
Recognition oflive or dead rodents.
Droppingslike faeces or insulating material.
Runways,inside and outside.
Tunnels,holes signs of movement.
地道、鼠洞 活動跡象
Check withultraviolet light and have a look for faeces and urine.
引自 Figure 1 Runways of rodentsout and inside ofbuildings (Source:BMEL, 2018)
Commensalrodents, Rattus norvegicus (brown rat), Rattus flavipectus (black rat) and Musmusculus (house mouse), are the most important pests both in urban and ruralregions.
1.3 Biological key data of rats andmice 鼠類生物學(xué)數(shù)據(jù)
Brown rat 棕鼠 |
Black rat 黑鼠 |
House mouse 家鼠 |
Body weight (g) |
100 - 500 |
100- 300 |
17 - 36 |
體重(克) |
100 - 500 |
100- 300 |
17 - 36 |
Reproduction 繁殖力 |
year-round 全年均可繁殖 |
Sexual maturity 性成熟 |
3 - 4 months 3-4 個月 |
3 - 4 months 3-4 個月 |
1 - 2 months 1-2 個月 |
Litters per year 年產(chǎn)窩數(shù) |
up to 7 高達(dá)7窩 |
up to 7 高達(dá)7窩 |
up to 10 高達(dá) 10 窩 |
Hatchlings per litter 每窩幼仔數(shù) |
4 to8 4-8 只 |
Gestation perio 妊娠期 |
approx. 3 weeks 大約3周 |
Life expectancy 預(yù)期壽命 |
12 - 24 months 12-24 個月 |
Natural behaviour 自然行為 |
Climbs, swims and dives well; lives outside, also in buildings and in the sewerage; builds also earth- nests 善于攀爬、游水和潛水;存活在建筑內(nèi)外區(qū)域和下水道里;地下巢居 |
Very good climber; lives within buildings 善善于攀爬;存活在建筑內(nèi) |
builds no holes in the ground;climbs; avoids water; lives also outside of buildings 不建土巢;能攀爬; 不喜水;建筑內(nèi)外均可存活 |
Foraging 覓食力 |
Omnivores; once adopted feeding places are always re-visited 雜食;一旦適應(yīng)覓食場地,總會反復(fù)出現(xiàn) |
Omnivorous, Omnivorous, prefers herbal feed; feeding places are visited less regular 雜食,喜草本食物;覓食地點不固定 |
Omnivorous, prefers herbal feed; sporadic use of feed sources 雜食,偏好草本食物;覓食地點不固定,不定時出現(xiàn)在覓食點 |
Activity time 活動時間 |
Nocturnal animal 晝伏夜出 |
引自 Table 1 Source: BMEL, 2018
1.4 Reasons for a rodentcontrol防控嚙齒類動物的原因
- 1.4.1 Rodents are carrier and important vectors for importantpig diseases.
Around100 diseases can be transmitted from rodents to humans and animals. For animalsand humans should be mentioned among other things:
約有100 種疾病可以由嚙齒類動物傳染給人類和其它動物,其中涉及:
Disease疾病 |
Agent 媒介物 |
Rodents implicated 涉及的嚙齒類動物 |
African Swine Fever 非洲豬瘟 |
Virus 病毒 |
Rats大鼠 |
Classical Swine Fever 豬瘟 |
Virus 病毒 |
Rats大鼠 |
Typhus 斑疹傷寒 |
Salmonella 沙門氏菌屬 |
Rats大鼠 |
Bordetelosis 波氏菌病 |
Bacteria 細(xì)菌 |
Rats大鼠 |
Encephalomyocarditis 腦心肌炎 |
Virus 病毒 |
Rats, mice 大鼠、小家鼠 |
Leptospirosis 鉤端螺旋體 |
Bacteria 細(xì)菌 |
Rats, mice 大鼠、小家鼠 |
Pseudorabies 偽狂犬 |
Virus 病毒 |
Rats大鼠 |
Salmonellosis 沙門氏菌 |
Bacteria 細(xì)菌 |
Rats, mice 大鼠、小家鼠 |
Swine Dysenterie 豬痢疾 |
Bacteria 細(xì)菌 |
Rats, mice 大鼠、小家鼠 |
Swine Erysipelas 豬丹毒 |
Bacteria 細(xì)菌 |
Rats大鼠 |
Toxoplasmosis 弓形體 |
Protozoa 原生動物 |
Various rodents 多種嚙齒類動物 |
Trichinosis 旋毛蟲病 |
Nematodes線蟲類 |
Rats大鼠 |
Hantavirus infections 漢坦病毒感染 |
Virus 病毒 |
Mice 小家鼠 |
引自 Figure 2 Source: PIH-107, 2010, fc 2019
Also, parasites are introduced via rats and mice, suchas ticks, fleas and tapeworms.
- 1.4.2 Spread or accelerate the spreadofdiseases. 傳播或加速疾病的傳播
- 1.4.3 Attract other predators, rodents arealso a food source.
1.5 Steps of rodentcontrol 管控嚙齒類動物的措施
- 1.5.1 Sanitation 環(huán)境衛(wèi)生
Plant free areaaround the buildings
Clean and removeany garbage, waste anddirt!!!
Grass must becut regularly
Search for holesin the grass and place baits in holes
引自 Figure 3 Perfect habitat for rodents (Source: BMEL,2018)
- 1.5.2 Rodentproofconstruction 豬場建筑防鼠措施
Buildings needto be rodent proofed.
Close holes, cracks and improve the surrounding area ofthe buildings
Keep anydoors, windows and entries for humans closed.
Lay a band ofgravel around the buildings (at least 50 cm wide).
在建筑四周鋪筑至少 50cm 寬的碎石道
- 1.5.3 Populationreduction 減少數(shù)量的措施
Trapping 捕鼠夾
Set traps right against the wall, corners, dark places,where mice like to hide.
引自 Figure 4 Source: PIH-107, 2010
- 1.5.4 Useofrodenticides 使用滅鼠劑
Continuous useof toxic baits safest rat and mice reduction.
The populationis kept on a low level.
Using baitstations in and outside the buildings.
Check the baitstations on a monthly basis.
Change thebrand or kind of baits keep it attractive for rodents
更換不同種類的毒餌 可保持毒餌的誘食效果
theremust always be warning signs attached in visible places so that people cannotby mistake get in contact with poison
Active ingredients: Anticoagulantsare inhibiting blood clotting.
Anticoagulants first generation: Warfarin,Coumatetralyl, Chlorophacinone, etc. have to be taken by rodents several timesto be effective.
引自 Figure 5 Different types of baits (Source: BMEL, 2018)
Advantages 優(yōu)點 |
Disadvantages 缺點 |
The rodents will die after a few days, so their death is not associated with the bait by their fellow rodents. 采食后幾天即會死亡,與繼后的嚙齒類動物采食的誘餌無關(guān) |
The rodents can develop resistances against the bait ingredients. 嚙齒類動物可以對誘餌成分產(chǎn)生抵抗力 |
Anticoagulants Second Generation: Bromadioloneand Difenacoum, later Brodifacoum, Flocoumafen and Difethialone killeffectively after the first intake by rodents.
第二代抗凝血藥:溴敵隆和鼠得克、大隆、氟鼠酮和噻鼠酮, 在第一次采食后即可有效滅殺嚙齒類動物。
If therodents have developed a genetic resistance against anticoagulants of the firstgeneration, the usage of anticoagulants of the second generation is necessary.
Baitswith anticoagulant ingredients need to be placed in closed bait stations. So,non-target animals cannot eat them.
引自 Figure 6 Examples for bait stations (Source: BMEL,2018)
- 1.5.5 Cats and dogs 貓和狗的管控
Cats anddogs are a high risk inside animal farms and therefore not allowed.Furthermore, the rodents adapt their behaviour to the existence of predators intheir habitat. So an effective reduction is not achievable.
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